Data set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
This data set contains the results of the Bayesian analysis used to model the clinical output and the costs associated with an influenza vaccination.
A data list including the variables needed for the influenza vaccination. The variables are as follows:
- list("cost")
a matrix of simulations from the posterior distribution of the overall costs associated with the two treatments
- list("c.pts")
- list("cost.GP")
a matrix of simulations from the posterior distribution of the costs for GP visits associated with the two treatments
- list("cost.hosp")
a matrix of simulations from the posterior distribution of the costs for hospitalisations associated with the two treatments
- list("cost.otc")
a matrix of simulations from the posterior distribution of the costs for over-the-counter medications associated with the two treatments
- list("cost.time.off")
a matrix of simulations from the posterior distribution of the costs for time off work associated with the two treatments
- list("cost.time.vac")
a matrix of simulations from the posterior distribution of the costs for time needed to get the vaccination associated with the two treatments
- list("cost.travel")
a matrix of simulations from the posterior distribution of the costs for travel to get vaccination associated with the two treatments
- list("cost.trt1")
a matrix of simulations from the posterior distribution of the overall costs for first line of treatment associated with the two interventions
- list("cost.trt2")
a matrix of simulations from the posterior distribution of the overall costs for second line of treatment associated with the two interventions
- list("cost.vac")
a matrix of simulations from the posterior distribution of the costs for vaccination
- list("eff")
a matrix of simulations from the posterior distribution of the clinical benefits associated with the two treatments
- list("e.pts")
- list("N")
the number of subjects in the reference population
- list("N.outcomes")
the number of clinical outcomes analysed
- list("N.resources")
the number of health-care resources under study
- list("QALYs.adv")
a vector from the posterior distribution of the QALYs associated with advert events
- list("QALYs.death")
a vector from the posterior distribution of the QALYs associated with death
- list("QALYs.hosp")
a vector from the posterior distribution of the QALYs associated with hospitalisation
- list("QALYs.inf")
a vector from the posterior distribution of the QALYs associated with influenza infection
- list("QALYs.pne")
a vector from the posterior distribution of the QALYs associated with pneumonia
- list("treats")
a vector of labels associated with the two treatments
- list("vaccine_mat")
a matrix containing the simulations for the parameters used in the original model