Journal papers
- Xuan Wang, Ankit Pahwa, Mary T. Bausch-Jurken, Anushri Chitkara, Pawana Sharma, Mia Malmenäs, Sonam Vats, Michael Gordon Whitfield, Kira Zhi Hua Lai, Priyadarsini Dasari, Ritu Gupta, Maria Nassim, Nicolas Van de Velde, Nathan Green, Ekkehard Beck, Comparative Effectiveness of mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 COVID-19 Vaccines Among Adults with Underlying Medical Conditions: Systematic Literature Review and Pairwise Meta-Analysis Using GRADE. Adv Ther (2025).
Smith RA, Samyshkin Y, Mohammed W, F Lamrock, T Ward, J Smith, A Martin, P Schneider, D Lee, G Baio, H Thom, N Green, M Richardson, M El Alili, X Pouwels, C Lewis, B Deniz (2024) assertHE: an R package to improve quality assurance of HTA models. Wellcome Open Res 2024, 9:701.
K. Husserl, A. S. Ismaila, M. Malmenäs, S. G. Noorduyn, N. Green, C. Compton, L. Thabane, C. F. Vogelmeier & D. M. G. Halpin (2024) Assessing the comparative effects of interventions in COPD: a tutorial on network meta-analysis for clinicians, Respir Res 25, 438.
Charalampia Papadopoulou, Neil Martin, Nadia Rafiq, Liza McCann, Giulia Varner, Kerstin Nott, Sandrine Compeyrot-Lacassagne, Maria Leandro, Charlene Foley, Kishore Warrier, Nathan Green, Mandy Wan, Hakim-Moulay Dehbi, John Whitehead, Despina Eleftheriou, Paul Brogan (2024) Elicitation of expert prior opinion to design the BARJDM trial in juvenile dermatomyositis, Rheumatology.
B. Cavazzin, C. MacDonell, N. Green, J.J. Rothwell (2024) Air pollution biomonitoring in an urban-industrial setting (Taranto, Italy) using Mediterranean plant species, Atmospheric Pollution Research, Volume 15, Issue 6, 102105, ISSN 1309-1042,
Charnley, G.E.C., Green, N., Kelman, I. et al. (2024) Evaluating the risk of conflict on recent Ebola outbreaks in Guinea and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. BMC Public Health 24, 860.
Sushma Kavikondala, Katrin Haeussler, Xuan Wang, Mary T. Bausch-Jurken, Maria Nassim, Nitendra Kumar Mishra, Mia Malmenäs, Pawana Sharma, Nicolas Van de Velde, Nathan Green & Ekkehard Beck (2024) Comparative Effectiveness of mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 COVID-19 Vaccines Among Older Adults: Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis Using the GRADE Framework. Infect Dis Ther.
Green, N., Lamrock, F., Naylor, N., Williams J., Briggs A. (2023) Health Economic Evaluation Using Markov Models in R for Microsoft Excel Users: A Tutorial. PharmacoEconomics 41, 5–19.
Nichola R. Naylor, Jack Williams, Nathan Green, Felicity Lamrock, Andrew Briggs (2023) Extensions of Health Economic Evaluation in R for Microsoft Excel Users: A Tutorial for Incorporating Heterogeneity and Conducting Value of Information Analyses, PharmacoEconomics 41(1):21-32
L.L. de Godoy, A. Studart-Neto, D.R. de Paula, N. Green, A. Halder, P. Arantes, K.T. Chaim, N.C. Moraes, M.S. Yassuda, R. Nitrini, M. Dresler, C. da Costa Leite, J. Panovska-Griffiths, A. Soddu, S. Bisdas (2023) Phenotyping Superagers Using Resting-State fMRI, American Journal of Neuroradiology, DOI: 10.3174/ajnr.A7820
Nathan Green, Yang Chen, Constantinos O’Mahony, Perry M Elliott, Roberto Barriales-Villa, Lorenzo Monserrat, Aristides Anastasakis, Elena Biagini, Juan Ramon Gimeno, Giuseppe Limongelli et al. (2023) A cost-effectiveness analysis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy sudden cardiac death risk algorithms for implantable cardioverter defibrillator decision-making European Heart Journal - Quality of Care and Clinical Outcomes, DOI: 10.1093/ehjqcco/qcad050
Z Che, N Green, G Baio (2022) Blended Survival Curves: A New Approach to Extrapolation for Time-to-Event Outcomes from Clinical Trial in Health Technology Assessment, Journal of Medical Decision Making
Jangmi Yang, Hae-Young Kim, Seup Park, Ilham Sentissi, Nathan Green, Byung Kwon Oh, Yujin Kim, Kyung Hyun Oh, Eunseong Paek, Young Joon Park, In-Hwan Oh, Seung Heon Lee (2022) Cost-effectiveness of a medication event monitoring system for tuberculosis management in Morocco, PLoS ONE, 17 (4)
Nathan Green, Fiacre Agossa, Boulais Yovogan, Richard Oxborough, Jovin Kitau, Pie Müller, Edi Constant, Mark Rowland, Emile FS Tchacaya, Koudou G Benjamin, Thomas S Churcher, Michael Betancourt, Ellie Sherrard-Smith (2022) An evidence synthesis approach for combining different data sources illustrated using entomological efficacy of insecticides for indoor residual spraying, PLoS ONE, 17 (3)
Nathan Green, Anna Heath, Gianluca Baio (2022) BCEA: An R Package for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Journal of Open Source Software, 7(77), 4206,
Gina EC Charnley, Ilan Kelman, Nathan Green, Wes Hinsley, Katy AM Gaythorpe, Kris A Murray (2021) Exploring relationships between drought and epidemic cholera in Africa using generalised linear models, BMC infectious diseases 21 (1), pp 1-12
Halliday A, Jain P, Hoang L, Parker R, Tolosa-Wright M, Masonou T, Green N, Boakye A, Takwoingi Y, Hamilton S, Mandagere V. New technologies for diagnosing active TB: the VANTDET diagnostic accuracy study.
D Tordrup, C Bishop, N Green, C Pallito, Economic burden of female genital mutilation in 27 high-prevalence countries, BMJ Global Health 2022;7:e004512.
Gupta RK, Lule SA, Krutikov M, Gosce L, Green N, Southern J, Imran A, Aldridge RW, Kunst H, Lipman M, Lynn W, Burgess H, Rahman A, Menezes D, Rahman A, Tiberi S, White PJ, Abubakar I. Screening for tuberculosis among high-risk groups attending London emergency departments: a prospective observational study. Eur Respir J. 2021 Jun 24;57(6):2003831. doi: 10.1183/13993003.03831-2020. PMID: 33737408; PMCID: PMC8223173.
C Wloch, A Jan van Hoek, N Green, J Connelly, P Harrington, E Sheridan, J Wilson, T Lamagni (2020) Cost-benefit analysis of surveillance for surgical site infection following caesarean section, BMJ Open, 10(7).
Kavina Manalan, Nathan Green, Amber Arnold, Graham Cooke, Martin Dedicoat, Marc Lipman, Thomas Harrison, Onn Min Kon, A UK cost comparison of amikacin therapy with bedaquiline, for drug resistant tuberculosis, European Respiratory Journal 2020 56: 476; DOI: 10.1183/13993003.congress-2020.476.
K Manalan, N Green, A Arnold, GS Cooke, M Dedicoat, M Lipman, A Loyse, T Harrison, OM Kon (2020) A cost comparison of amikacin therapy with bedaquiline, for drug resistant tuberculosis in the UK, Journal of Infection 80 (1), pp 38-41.
A Halliday, P Jain, L Hoang, R Parker, M Tolosa-Wright, T Masonou, N Green, A Boakye, Y Takwoingi, S Hamilton (2019) Validation of new technologies for the diagnostic evaluation of active tuberculosis (VANTDET), Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation.
N Green, E Sherrard-Smith, C Tanton, P Sonnenberg, C H Mercer, and PJ White (2019) Assessing local chlamydia screening performance by combining survey and administrative data to account for differences in local population characteristics, Scientific Reports Nature pp1-9:7070. 10.1038/s41598-019-43521-y
NR Naylor, KB Pouwels, R Hope, N Green, KL Henderson, GM Knight, R Atun, JV Robotham, SR Deeny (2019) The health and cost burden of antibiotic resistant and susceptible Escherichia coli bacteraemia in the English hospital setting: A national retrospective cohort study, PLoS ONE 14(9): e0221944.
N Green, PJ White, i-sense EPSRC Annual Report 2016/17, The value of rapid influenza testing in a pandemic, i-sense Exploratory Project.
M Hayama, N Green, SL Seneviratne, M O’Donoghue, N Drey, OM Kon. Latent tuberculosis infection screening of adult close contacts in london: a cost-utility analysis, Winter meeting of the British Thoracic Society, London, England, 06 Dec 2017 - 08 Dec 2017. Thorax BMJ publishing group. 72: A174-A174. 01 Dec 2017 (Conference).
- Y Takwoingi, H Whitworth, A Badhan, C Partlett, M Rees-Roberts, N Green, A Boakye, M Jit, PJ White, J Deeks, OM Kon, and AJ Lalvani on behalf of the IGRAs for Diagnostic Evaluation of Active TB (IDEA) Study Group (2016) Interferon-gamma release assays for diagnostic evaluation of active tuberculosis (IDEA): test accuracy study and economic evaluation, Health Technology Assessment.
F Drobniewski, M Cooke, J Jordan, N Casali, T Mugwagwa, A Broda, C Townsend, A Sivaramakrishnan, N Green, M Jit, M Lipman, J Lord, PJ White, I Abubakar (2015), Systematic review, meta-analysis and economic modelling of molecular diagnostic tests for antibiotic resistance in tuberculosis, Health Technology Assessment, Vol:19, ISSN:1366-527.
CE Dangerfield, E Sherrard-Smith, N Green, E Harding-Esch, R Howell-Jones, YH Choi, CM Lowndes, PJ White. Impact and cost-effectiveness of point-of-care testing for chlamydia: accounting for geographic variation in infection burden and testing rates, health service configuration, and implementation strategy sexually transmitted infections. BMJ publishing group. 91: A152-A153. 01 Sep 2015 (Conference).
E Harding-Esch, E Sherrard-Smith, CE Dangerfield, YH Choi, N Green, M Jit, RD Marshall, C Mercer, A Nardone, R Howell-Jones. Web-tool to assess the cost-effectiveness of chlamydia point-of-care tests at the local level sexually transmitted infections. BMJ publishing group. 91: A143-A143. 01 Sep 2015 (Conference).
N Green, AP Johnson, KL Henderson, B Muller-Pebody, S Thelwall, JV Robotham, M Sharland, M Wolkewitz, SR Deeny. (2014) Quantifying the burden of hospital-acquired bloodstream infection in children in England, estimating excess length of hospital stay and mortality using a multistate analysis of linked routinely collected data. Journal of the Peadiatric Infectious Diseases Society; online first: doi:10.1093/jpids/piu073.
E van Kleef, N Green, SD Goldenberg, JV Robotham, B Cookson, M Jit, WJ Edmunds, SR Deeny. (2014) Excess length of stay and mortality due to Clostridium difficile infection: a multi-state modelling approach. Journal of Hospital Infection; 88(4): 213–217.
CM Lowndes, E Sherrard-Smith, CE Dangerfield, YH Choi, N Green, M Jit, RD Marshall, C Mercer, E Harding-Esch, A Nardone, R Howell-Jones, J Bason, OA Johnson, CP Price, CA Gaydos, ST Sadiq, PJ White (2014) Point-of-care vs. Standard Practice for Chlamydia: A new approach to assessing the public health effect of rapid testing and treatment at local level. Lancet; 384: S47.
JD Ainsworth, E Carruthers, P Couch, N Green, M O’Flaherty, M Sperrin, R Williams, Z Asghar, S Capewell, IE Buchan, (2011) IMPACT: A generic tool for modelling and simulating public health policy, Methods of Information in Medicine, (Vol. 50): Issue 5, pp. 454-463. 10.3414/ME11-02-0006
N Green, ABC for Coronary Heart Disease Modelling, The 30th Leeds Annual Statistical Research Workshop (LASR) 5th-7th July 2011.
- P Robins, V Rapley, N Green (2009) Real-Time Sequential Inference of Static Parameters with Expensive Likelihood Calculations, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (JRSS), Series C, Applied Statistics, Series C, 58, pp. 641-662.
- D Clancy and N Green (2007) Optimal Intervention for an Epidemic Model under Uncertainty, Mathematical Biosciences 205, pp 297–314.
- PhD Thesis, Optimal Intervention for an Epidemic Model under Uncertainty, June 2005, N Green, University of Liverpool.
- Bayesian Cost-Effectiveness Analysis with the R package BCEA (Use R!), G Baio, A Berardi, A Heath, N Green [in review]
- Decision Trees, N Green, P Dixon, E Krijkamp, H Thom, in R in HTA, Eds. G Baio, H Thom [in review]
Newspaper and magazine articles
Green N. Why your data viz needs alt text Significance 20(1):38-39 10 Feb 2023 link
Gas! Gas! Gas! Hazard Management of a Covert Chemical Release on the Battlefield, Significance online (Royal Statistical Society), N. Green, September 26, 2012
Statistics Series Introduction, N. Green, The Guardian 2011 Dec 2
Biased Sample Statistics, N. Green, The Guardian 2011 Dec 2
Average Means Medians Modes, N. Green, The Guardian 2011 Dec 09
Moon Full p-value Statistics, N. Green, The Guardian 2011 Dec 23
Correlation is not Causation, N. Green, The Guardian 2012 Jan 06
How Good Model, N. Green, The Guardian 2012 Jan 27
Boost Your Sample Size Meta-Analysis, N. Green, The Guardian 2012 Feb 11
Statistics Confidence Interval Level, N. Green, The Guardian 2012 June 22
Climate Change Pascal’s Wager, N. Green, The Guardian 2012 July 3
- RSS sections and groups meeting reports, Medical Section meetings
- The Bradford Hill Memorial Lecture, N Green, 18 April 2019
- The Case Fatality Ratio – How can estimating a proportion be complicated? N Green, 5th Dec 2019
- Novel advances in Bayesian Health economics, N Green, Sept 2021
Pierre De Fermat Theorem Google Doodle, N. Green, The Guardian 2011 Aug 17
A-level Results Science Mathematics, N. Green, The Guardian 2011 Aug 18
Speed Cameras Accidents Maths, N. Green, The Guardian 2011 Aug 25
Richard Dawkins Evolution Children Five, N. Green, The Guardian 2011 Sept 01
Technology Metals, N. Green, The Guardian 2011/sep/12
Forensic Science Content Transference, N. Green, The Guardian 2011 Sept 13
Dark Matter of the Genome, N. Green, The Guardian 2011 Sept 14
Sports Data, N. Green, The Guardian 2011 Sept 16
School of Hard Sums, Significance online (Royal Statistical Society), N. Green, September 12, 2012
- `They‘ know where you live, work, eat, shop…-Terrible truths about 21st century privacy, N Green, Guru Magazine, April/May 2013
Book reviews
Nathan Green, Research software engineering: A guide to the open source ecosystem by Matthias Bannert, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society, 2025;, qnaf028,
Nathan Green, Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan (2022) Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, 185 (1), pp 426-427
Nathan Green, Nonplussed - Mathematical Proof of Implausible Ideas, J. Havil, Mathematics Today magazine, June 2008
Nathan Green, Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics, N. J. Salkind, Royal Statistical Society, 2015