Introduction to cost-effectiveness Markov model

Introduction to cost-effectiveness Markov model

The model used throughout this workshop is based on a cost-effectiveness analysis done in the following paper:

  • Briggs A, Sculpher M. Introducing Markov models for economic evaluation. PharmacoEconomics 1998; 13(4): 397-409.

  • Briggs AH. Handling uncertainty in cost-effectiveness models. PharmacoEconomics 2000 May;17(5):479-500.

These are available in the 1-intro_Markov_model folder in the GitHub repo folder contents/resources.

Download the repo .zip folder and take a look at the papers.

A Microsoft Excel implementation of this model was also made available and is in the practical folder too, called Markov_model.xlsm.

Open this up and have a look around to understand how it works and how it matches up with the journal papers.

Finally, we have recreated this Excel model in R with the script Markov_model_script.R.

Open this up and see if you can understand how it matches with the Excel model. Don’t worry about the details just yet. We will be revisiting this code throughout.